
Offers many extra features & capabilities over the default Bootstrap modal

Responsive image

var box = new UTILS.Box({ w: 700, center: true, title: 'Simple Box', classname: 'edit-box', fx: { effect:'slide-down' } }).show();
var controls = `
`; var box = new UTILS.Box({ w: 700, center: true, title: 'Simple Box With Controls', classname: 'edit-box', controls: controls, fx: { effect:'slide-down' } }).show();



var box = new UTILS.Box({ w:700, center:true, title: 'Simple Box With Events', classname: 'edit-box', buttons: { close:true, maximize:true }, onCreate: function(){ recordEvent('on create'); }, onShow: function(){ recordEvent('on show'); }, onHide: function(){ recordEvent('on hide'); }, onBeforeClose: function(){ recordEvent('on before close'); }, onClose: function(){ recordEvent('on close'); }, onBlur: function(){ recordEvent('on blur'); }, onUnblur: function(){ recordEvent('on unblur'); }, onBeforeStart: function(){ recordEvent('on before start'); }, onStart: function(){ recordEvent('on start'); }, onComplete: function(){ recordEvent('on complete'); }, onMaximize: function(){ recordEvent('on maximize'); }, onMinimize: function(){ recordEvent('on minimize'); }, onContentHeightChange: function(){ recordEvent('on content height change ( triggered by the resizeSensor )'); }, onContentUpdate: function(){ recordEvent('on content update'); }, fx: { effect:'slide-down' } }).show();

Standard subscription to all events is also available

Please note that the event names are composed by combining the object name and event name

The events are always triggered on the $target element, if no target element is specified $('body') is used.

// utils.box + onCreate ==> utils-box-oncreate $('body').on('utils-box-oncreate utils-box-onbeforestart utils-box-onstart utils-box-onshow',function(event,data){ console.log(event,data) });
var box = new UTILS.Box({ w:700, center:true, buttons: { maximize:true }, title: 'simple box with max/min controls', classname: 'edit-box', html: '', //some html for the main body fx: { effect:'slide-down' } }).show();
var box = new UTILS.Box({ w:700, center:true, buttons: { close:false, maximize:false }, title: 'simple box with all controls disabled', classname: 'edit-box', html: '', //some html for the main body fx: { effect:'slide-down' } }).show();
new UTILS.Box({ w: 700, center: true, allow_close: false, title: 'simple box without ability to close it manually', classname: 'edit-box', fx: { effect:'slide-down' } }).show();
var box = new UTILS.Box({ w:700, center:true, title: 'simple box setting content', classname: 'edit-box', html: 'some HTML content goes here', fx: { effect:'slide-down' } }).show();

UTILS.Box fx

fx feature allows for a custom way to display the box

var box = new UTILS.Box({ w:700, center:true, title: 'simple box with different effects', classname: 'edit-box', fx: { effect:'...fill in the effect...' } }).show();





Extends the regular UTILS.Box class and adds some extra features


APP.Box is a part of the APP.stack scope that keeps track of all opened boxes so that it becomes easier to manage them



var box = new APP.Box({ //extends UTILS.Box w:700, title: 'app box', center:true, classname: 'edit-box', fx: { effect:'slide-down' } }).show();
var _openBox = function(options){ var options = _.extend({ w:700, title: 'app box', center:true, classname: 'edit-box', fx: { effect:'slide-down' } },options||{}); return new APP.Box(options).show(); }; _openBox({ w:600, title:'box 1', html:'box 2 will open in ', onShow: function(Box){ var countdown = new UTILS.Countdown({ target:Box, duration:3, color:'red', format:'s [sec]', onStop: function(){ _openBox({ w:300, title:'box 2' }); } }).start(); } });

The following steps are executed automatically b/c of APP.Box & UTILS.Countdown

  1. dim the background
  2. open box 1
  3. start countdown from 3 sec
  4. wait while counting down
  5. on countdown end --> open box 2
var _openBox = function(options){ var options = _.extend({ center:true, classname: 'edit-box', fx: { effect:'slide-down' } },options||{}); return new APP.Box(options).show(); }; _openBox({ w:600, title:'box outer', html:'', onShow: function(Box){ Box.getMainbody().find('.action-link a').on('click',function(event){ event.preventDefault(); _openBox({ w:300, title:'box inner' }); }); } });


Notification boxes are to provide a simple way yet completely customizable




new APP.Alert({ type:'success', html:'some html' }).show(); UTILS.Box
new APP.Alert({ type:'success', html:'successful msg 1' }).show(); _.delay(function(){ new APP.Alert({ type:'success', html:'successful msg 2' }).show(); },500); _.delay(function(){ new APP.Alert({ type:'success', html:'successful msg 3' }).show(); },1000); UTILS.Box
new APP.Alert({ type:'info', html:'some html' }).show(); UTILS.Box
new APP.Alert({ type:'info', html:'different info', fx:{effect:'slide-up'} }).show(); UTILS.Box
new APP.Alert({ type:'warning', html:'some html' }).show(); UTILS.Box
new APP.Alert({ type:'error', html:'some html' }).show(); UTILS.Box
new APP.Alert({ type:'error', html:'some html', fx:{effect:'shake'} }).show(); UTILS.Box
new APP.Confirm({ html:'

Do you want to proceed?

', onConfirm: function(){ alert('confirmed'); }, onCancel: function(){ alert('cancelled'); } }).show();






id optional 'b-'+UTILS.uuid() id of the box
w optional 600 width of the box
h optional auto height of the box
target optional $('body') target DOM element where to insert the box into
allow_close optional true all manual modal closing controls are disabled, including the ESC key
light optional false creates light box without close button and grey border (used to show error msgs)
title optional '' title of the box
html optional '' content of the box
controls optional '' control buttons at the bottom of the box
classname optional '' adds an extra class to the box (sometimes used to identify the set of boxes)
buttons optional { close:true, maximize:false } sets show|hide for certain buttons
dd optional false enable|disable drag n drop
center optional false center box
coords optional null position box at certain place
offset optional { left:0, top:0 } offset box from center when opening
fx optional { effect:null } the effect type
resizeDims optional null make box resize when browser resizes (previously specified dims will be overwritten, format TOPxRIGHTxBOTTOMxLEFT or single number)
freeze optional false freeze height after render
blur optional { color:'black', opac:0.3 } adds an overlay to the content of the box
dimmer optional false set the global dimmer, uses UTILS.Blur component
scrollable optional false enable content to scroll (up/down scrolling of the page), autotamically is used in responsive | behavior taken from Bootstrap modal






onCreate null ONE-TIME runs when box is first created
onShow null REPEAT stack of functions to execute when the box is shown
onHide null REPEAT stack of functions to execute when the box is hidden, NOT closed
onBlur null REPEAT stack of functions to execute when the box is blurred
onUnblur null REPEAT stack of functions to execute when the box is unblurred
onBeforeStart null ONE-TIME stack of functions to execute before the onStart runs
onStart null ONE-TIME stack of functions to execute when the box is shown (or animation starts) for the first time
onComplete null ONE-TIME stack of functions to execute after the special effects have finished
onBeforeClose null ONE-TIME stack of functions to execute right before the onClose runs
onClose null ONE-TIME stack of functions to execute after the box closed
onMaximize null REPEAT stack of functions to execute after the box is maximized
onMinimize null REPEAT stack of functions to execute after the box is minimized
onContentHeightChange null REPEAT stack of functions to execute when mainbody height changes
onContentUpdate null REPEAT runs when the content is updated
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